And so it begins....
The first draft efforts of a rookie writer sharing her journey in motherhood, home education, farm life and being a pastor.
Jubilee Dawns…
The funny thing is, I have failed before I’ve even started! The name of this Substack was supposed to be a reflection of what I hoped it would become; that being a collection of my thoughts and musings from my early morning risings; the dawn of my day before anything could possibly taint or divert. The truth is I managed to rise early for all of one week. Perhaps I’m being kind on myself there, I actually think it was just four mornings I emerged from underneath the duvet before the lark. Thus, I have discovered, or rather admitted to myself, rising early before dawn is clearly not my forte and perhaps ‘Jubilee Dawns’ is more an ironic name I’ll adopt instead. It will either make me cry as I look at the clock each time I open up my laptop, realising it is more likely elevenses or smile, reminding me that often our best made plans don’t turn out as we expected and instead land us with much broader vistas, wider eyed and with the deliciousness of coffee and cake.
An experience to share…
So why am I writing this? I tell you why…I’m a mum. I’m busy. There is always people wanting something from me. It can get exhausting. I want to give up sometimes. I want to stay in my bed way beyond elevenses and eat a massive pot of pick-a-mix all to myself with the door locked so no one can get in and twist my arm to share my beloved strawberry pencil. I’m writing this because being real and being authentic creates hope and I’m in the business of hope. Over my almost 40 years on planet earth with 5 children in tow, 15 years of marriage, various ventures, my fair share of highs and lows, I have learnt that sharing the journey is powerful, not just from a cathartic point of view for myself but for the reader too.
Who are you?
I don’t know who you are, but I’m glad you’re here and you’ve taken some time to have a read. Maybe you’re a mum too. Perhaps you're a farmer in the making? Maybe you’re a home educator or a pastor or all of the above, like me. Perhaps you wear several different hats and keeping up appearances leaves you feeling dishevelled. Don’t worry, you’re in good company! It’s a rare occasion I comb my hair and wear something that looks well put together and secretly, I like that. Please know I’m not a professional writer, in fact I’m not a professional anything really other than a professional ‘human’; I dream, I make mistakes, I grow, I get disappointed, I yearn for friendship, I desire intimacy, I try my best.
Let’s hang out…
Now let’s be honest, after all ‘Jubilee Dawns - the honest reflections of a mother, pastor and regenerative farmer’ kinda indicates a degree of transparency is required here. My aim is write regularly. I do enjoy it afterall and the great news is, the more I write, the better I will become. However, as my earlier confession proves, what I aim for and what actually happens are two very different things. As a new friend of mine, please commit to smiling at my distinct lack of regularity. We’ll stay friends longer if you do and our journey together will be a beautiful one as we discover the dawn of something good in our lives.
Love Lizi x